Campaign: Lead generation

You attract leads with interesting content, such as white papers, infographics, e-books, podcasts, videos, etc. You also need data to follow up leads. It is therefore not strange to request data in exchange for content by means of a form. This is called gated content.

When someone downloads your content, it shows some form of engagement and that is relevant to follow up. You can map this relevance more clearly by means of tags and scores, because scores are assigned for every action a lead takes.

Getting started

Spotler has a standard template for a lead generation campaign. You can always expand or adjust the campaign flow as desired. The campaign flow of the lead generation template looks like this:

Click on the image to enlarge

Goal= lead generation
Trigger campaign=
the trigger for this campaign is a form
Campaign=When a request is made, a lead is tagged MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) and is receiving an email message. This example uses a white paper request. With every click in a message within this campaign, the score is increased by the tag MQL. There is a time frame of 4 days between the different messages.

The third message contains a link to a form for a quote request. If there is a form response to this quote request, the lead will be tagged SQL (Sales Qualified lead) and a notification will be sent to an account manager.

Does the lead not request a quote? The lead will then receive a fourth email with a reminder on the quote. If the lead still completes the form, it will receive the SQL tag and a notification will be sent to the account manager. If nothing happens, the automation ends.


Permission required for the campaign
When someone makes a request for a download, it is not the case that you can continue to email someone indefinitely. So be clear in your communication with your form how many emails someone can expect if he agrees with the download. The emails must be related to the subject of the download.

And think about a realistic number, such as a maximum of 5 emails. If you want to further expand the campaign and follow up on the lead, you need permission for the newsletter. To check per action whether a contact has the correct permissions, use filters. How do I apply a filter to a trigger, action, or condition?

You go through the following steps when you use our standard template:

  1. Compose form
  2. Compose messages
  3. New automation
  4. Publish automation

You use the following modules for this:


1. Compose form

Two forms are required for this campaign. You create a form in the Forms module:

  1. Request form
    On the basis of which form should this campaign be triggered? In this example a white paper request form is used. But it may be a request for other content that you have at your disposal.
  2. Quote request form
    In this campaign, the interaction is checked on a Quote request form.

You then place the form on your own website or on a web page within Spotler. You can read more about this in the article: Export and integrate form.

2. Compose messages

You compose five messages for this campaign:

  1. Lead generation - Email 1
    This is the first email after the application. It makes sense to offer the download of your whitepaper, infographic, podcast or any kind of content here.
  2. Lead generation - Email 2
    In this e-mail you can ask what the contact thought of the download and what content might be more interesting for your recipient.
  3. Lead generation - Email 3
    In the third email you put a button with a link to a quote request.
  4. Lead generation - Email 4
    In the fourth email you also link to the quote request. Indicate in your text the urgency of why someone should request a quote as soon as possible, for example a discount if you respond within a certain time.
  5. Quote notification
    When the lead actually requests the quote and is tagged SQL. Then the lead is interesting to follow up personally. Create a notification message for an account manager or for a sales representative containing a copy of the quote request form. Do you want to know how to apply a form statement? Read the article: How do I send a notification or confirmation after someone has submitted a form?

3. New automation

You go through the following steps in the Automations module:

  1. Click on the yellow button New automation
  2. In step 1 you enter a name in the Properties, for example; Lead generation campaign: {name download}.
  3. In step 2 you choose whether you want to make a choice from the default templates or a template that you have saved. By default, the choice is on Default templates. Click the Lead generation template and click Save & Next.


  4. In step 3, click on the blue Edit button to open the editor.
  5. The campaign flow is ready. It looks like this in the editor.


Click on the image to enlarge

Since this campaign has several ramifications, we'll break the explanation into parts for a better overview.

Click on the image to enlarge


Part 1: Start of the campaign

Click on the image to enlarge

The form you created in step 1 for an application such as a white paper. You must first set this as a trigger. Click the trigger on the canvas and select the appropriate form on the left.

Action 1:

In the example you add a tag immediately after the request, namely MQL. Click on the Contact action to set it up.

By default, the tag MQL is not in your account. If you haven't created it before, add it here first. In the input field under Select tag on the left, type: MQL and press Enter. Have you already created this tag? Then use the input field Select tag as search field.

The score leaves you at 0. A lead has become an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) after the application. Click OK.

Action 2:
In addition to adding a tag, a message is also sent immediately after the request. You only have to select this message in the Send action. Click on the send action and select the message on the left: Lead generation - Email 1.

Condition 1:
This condition checks whether clicks are made within 4 days of the first email. The click condition is not yet fully set. Spotler needs to know based on which click the interaction should be checked. Click on the condition to set it. On the left, select the message and then the link that needs to be checked. Choose the message: Lead generation - Email 1.

When someone clicks, the person in this example gets a score of 10 on the tag MQL. Set the contact action by clicking. Select the tag MQL that you created earlier by searching in the free entry field. And set a score increment of 10.

When someone doesn't click, nothing happens. The path continues.

Part 2: Follow up emails lead generation

Click on the image to enlarge

Action 1:
Each lead receives a second message. You just have to select this one. Click on the send action and select the message on the left: Lead generation - Email 2.

Note: this action is set to immediate by default. Think about whether this is a convenient timing, look at the content you offer in Lead generation - Email 2. and Lead generation - Email 3. Does it make sense to get these all together? Or should there be a few days or hours in between? In that case, set a wait time for this action.

Condition 1: 
4 days after the second email has been sent, a check is made to see if the contact clicks. Click on the condition and select the message: Lead generation - Email 2. Then select the correct url to check.

When someone clicks in Lead generation - Email 2, the person in this example is awarded another 10 points at MQL. That means that a contact who has gone through all yes paths has 20 points at the tag MQL.

Set the contact action by clicking. Select the tag MQL that you created earlier by searching in the free entry field. And set a score increment of 10.

When someone doesn't click, nothing happens. The path continues.

Repeat the previous steps for Lead generation - Email 3

Part 3: Quote request

Click on the image to enlarge

This path is followed when there has been an interaction on the form: Quote request.

Action 1:
If someone has made a request for the quote, the contact is immediately tagged with the SQL tag. You add this yourself by typing SQL in the input field and pressing Enter. The score leaves you at 0.

Action 2:
And a notification is immediately sent to a Sales representative. Click to set up the send action. On the left, select the notification and enter the email address where the notification should go.

Part 4: Quote request reminder

Click on the image to enlarge

This path is followed when there has been no interaction on the form: Quote request.

Action 1:
Has anyone not yet applied for a quote? Then a message is sent. Set the send action by clicking and selecting the following message: Lead generation - Email 4.

Condition 1: 
In this condition, a check is made to see whether a message has been clicked: Lead generation - Email 4. But you still have to set this condition. Click on the condition and select the message: Lead generation - Email 4 and select the appropriate url. Then there are again yes-paths and no-paths.

The contact still gets an increment of 10 points with the tag MQL. Set the contact action by clicking. Select the tag MQL that you created earlier by searching in the free entry field. And set a score increment of 10.

The contact continues the rest of the path without action.

Condition 2:

A final check is made on interaction, namely whether the form: Quote request has been completed. But you still need to set this condition. Click on the condition and select the form: Quote request. Then there are again yes-paths and no-paths.

The contact continues the way to the yes path where the SQL tag is included and a notification is sent to a Sales representative

The automation ends.

3. Publish automation

To activate the automatic campaign, publish it in the Publisher. You can read more about this in the article: Publisher.