Report Automation

If you want to view the report of your automation, go to the Publisher tab. Move your mouse over the publication for which you want to see the report and click on Report in the menu or use your right mouse menu and click on Report.

When you are in the report, you will see a screen that can look like this:


This report consists of several parts:

  • On the left you see the properties of the publication, such as the start date and participation contacts.
  • In the header you have the option to download the automation report as an image, it is possible to view who is included in the automation and it is possible to refresh the report.
  • On the right you see the details of the report. Here you will find, among other things, how many contacts have completed the promotion.

Properties publication

On the left you will see the following information:

  • Status
  • Automation name
  • Description 
  • Contacts participation (can a contact participate indefinitely or not?)
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Published by
  • Date range picker
    With the period selection you select the period for which you want to view the results of your publication.

Header options

In the header you will see the following options:

Button Functie
Downloaden_rapportage.jpg Download automation
With this functionality you download the report of your automation.

Show contacts
With this function you view the contacts that have ended up in your automation. A pop-up opens with contacts and extra functionalities. You can download and refresh contacts from this screen.


Click on the image to enlarge

Verversen_rapportage.jpg Refresh
Click on this button for the most up-to-date version of your report.

View report from a contact

There are two places where you can view a contact's automation interactions.

  1. Report of a publication
  2. The contact card in the Lists module.

Report of a publication

Click on the eye icon in the header of the report. The pop-up with contacts that have ended up in the automation are shown.


Right-click on the contact or move your mouse over the contact and click on the arrow. Then click View Flow in the drop-down menu.

Then the flow of the automation is shown. The green line shows how far the contact is in the automation.


The contact card in the Lists module

The automation interactions can also be viewed via the contact card in the Lists module. Click the Automation Interactions tab.


Here you will find more details about in which automations the contact was triggered. Just like in the report of your publication, you want to see where the contact is in the flow of the automation. Then click on the View button.


Details of the report

On the right you can see the full flow of your automation and it is also visible for each part of your automation how many contacts have gone through, are still on hold or are filtered.


By default you see these statistics. Do you want to see which trigger and action are involved? Then click on the I-icon (Show info)


The icon changes to a graph. If you want the statistics to be shown again, click on the graph.


The icon changes back to an i-icon.

Statistics flow

In the trigger and follow-up actions, you see the number of contacts that have completed the action and the number of contacts that have been filtered. If you click on the trigger or an action, you will see additional options appear on the left under Properties.


Button Function

This functionality allows you to view the contacts that participated in the action or trigger. You see the status per contact of the automation and also the reason when the action or trigger was not performed/stopped


Click on the image to enlarge


Download a .csv file of the contacts who participated in the action or trigger.


Create static list
You can instantly create a static list of contacts who participated in the action or trigger. This way you can follow up on a specific group of contacts. If you click on this button, a pop-up will appear:


Give a name to the static list and choose which contacts you want in your list. For example, all contacts that are ready.