Dynamic lists editor

The editor for dynamic lists:


In this screen you will see:

  1. An editing menu in the header with gray buttons and a grey button to close the editor.
  2. A menu on the left side with Selection and Exclusion.
  3. The canvas where your selections and suppressions will be visible.


 1. The editing menu in the header

The editing menu in the header looks like this:


Icon Explanation
 Button_Opslaan.jpg Save
The Save button. Make it a habit to click on this button often.


2. Selection and exclusion menu

The menu to add selections and exclusions looks like this:


Explanation of the elements:

  • Add a selection
  • Add an exclusion

Add selection

Click on the button + Selection to add a selection to the canvas. You can also add a selection by double clicking the canvas.

A popup appears:


Make a choice whether you want to add active contacts or contacts from a static list. If you click on static list, a pop-up follows with options of all static lists in your Spotler account. If you choose active file, a pop-up will follow to make selections.


You will see the following options:

  • Property
  • Tag
  • Tag score
  • Tag score in time period

By default, Property is selected, because most selections are property-based in your database. Want to know more about tags and scores? Read the article: Segments based on tagging and scoring. 


With a property you choose the database field in your Spotler account with which you want to make a selection. Use the drop-down menu to select a property field from Spotler that you would like to use as a filter. For example, Permissions. Then click Ok.


You will go to the first popup where you can create your selection and see how many contacts meet selection requirements.


You can add another filter by clicking Add refinement. You can edit a filter by clicking the drop-down menu (hover your mouse over the filter) and choosing Edit.


This way you can easily edit, copy or delete a filter.


By creating exclusions you ensure that contacts that meet certain criteria will be excluded from your selection. For example, you could exclude all contacts that have a certain postal code.

Click on the Exclusion button to add an exclusion to your list.


The rest of the steps are the same as if you would add a selection.

'Contains' or 'Not contains'

At your refinements you can use 'contains' or 'not contains'.

An example of how you can apply this: Suppose we want to exclude all our Spotler colleagues (including from abroad) from a newsletter list. Normally you would have to look up every domain, such as spotler.es, spotler.co.uk and spotler.nl. With this new feature you can indicate to exclude everyone based on the word spotler in the email address. 

The functionality 'contains' and 'not contains' works for text fields (free fields) in your database. Do you have the product eCommerce? Then you can also apply this to the database field: order history: product name. For example, you can select by color when you have it in the product name.

3. Canvas

After you have applied all the filters, you will see them in one single overview:


You can see that a contacts funnel is created. If you would like to edit the funnel go to the content bar menu and click on Edit.


When you hover your mouse over the filters you will see the familiar round symbol with the arrow appear. Click on it to open the drop-down menu.

At the bottom of the funnel you will see all the remaining contacts.


Do not forget to save your target audience selection. Click on the familiar Save symbol at the top of your screen and click on the button Close editor.