With a navigation element, you easily add a few text links in your message. This is great for headers and footers, for example. When you select the element, the following options will appear on the left:
Navigation content
- Navigation items: give the navigation item a name and a URL. You can delete an item by clicking on the bin icon. You can also rearrange the items with your cursor.
- Button '+ Add item': there are three navigation items available by default, but you can add more.
- Use same styling: when you move the slide switch to the left, you can style each navigation item individually.
Navigation item style
- Font: the font you have chosen under the General tab is the font used here by default. You can change the font if desired and you can choose from standard web safe fonts.
- Font size: a font size of 14 pixels is set by default, but you can adjust this as desired.
- Font style: you can give the font cursive styles here.
Font weight: you have the option to 'add weight' to the font, by making it bold for instance.
- Line height: how much space would you like in between the text lines? You need spacing for good readability.
- Text transform: there are different options for your navigation text. You can opt to start the item(s) with a capital letter, use all caps, small letters only or none of the above.
- Text decoration: this option is set to underlined by default, but you can also move the dash above the text or opt for no dash at all.
- Letter spacing: adjust the space between the letters.
- Inner padding: add spacing around each navigation item. You can do so at the top, bottom, left or right of your item. You can adjust this individually by clicking on the icon next to padding. Padding is set to 5 on all sides by default.
Navigation style
- Background color: set up the background color for the row in which the navigation items are situated.
- Alignment: the navigation items are aligned left by default, but you can adjust this to center or right alignment.
Separator: separators are not set up by default, but you can add a separator, such as a pipe character, in the text box.
- Separator color: when you add a separator, it will be in the color you have given your text. You can change this color here.
- Inner padding: spacing around your navigation. You can add spacing at the top, bottom, left or right side of your image. Padding is set to 10 by default on all sides.
- Are you experienced with code? It is possible to add CSS classes yourself.