Heading element

Heading elements are often used for titles and subtitles in a message. When you add a heading to the canvas, you will see the following options appear on the left hand side: 


Heading style

  • Heading type: select which size heading you would like to use.
  • Font: the font you have chosen under the General tab is the font used here by default. You can change the font for the heading and you can choose from standard web safe fonts.  
  • Font size: the size shown here depends on the heading type you have chosen. You can adjust its size as desired. 
  • Line height: how much space would you like in between the text lines? You need spacing for good readability.
  • Text color: the color of the text is also derived from the General tab, but you can choose a different color for your heading if you wish. 
  • Alignment: you can choose how the text should be aligned here. 
  • Text transform: there are different options for your heading text. You can opt to start the heading with a capital letter, use all caps, small letters only or none of the above. 
  • Padding: add spacing at the top, bottom, left or right of your text. You can adjust this individually by clicking on the icon next to padding. Padding is set to 10 on all sides by default. 


  • Are you experienced with code? It is possible to add CSS classes yourself. 

When selecting the Heading element from your message, you will see more options for formatting text at the top of your screen: 


Option Function
Tekstopmaak_03.jpg Undo & Redo
Undo or redo your change(s). 

Link & Unlink
Place a link in your text or unlink when you want to remove the link from your text. When you click on the link button, you can add a variety of links to your text. Read more on this here.

Tekstopmaak_05.jpg Personalisation field
Add personalisation to your message. Think of a salutation or addressing contacts by their first name. You can personalise on all database fields that are available in your account. 
Tekstopmaak_06.jpg Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough
Format your text to bold, cursive, underlined or strike-through .
Tekstopmaak_08.jpg Text color
Color a specific word or part of the sentence. 
Tekstopmaak_09.jpg Background color
Mark a part of the text by giving it background a color. 
Tekstopmaak_10.jpg Numbered list & Bullet list
Create a list with numbers or bullet points. 
Tekstopmaak_11.jpg Table
Add a table.
Tekstopmaak_12.jpg Special character
Looking for special characters such as a pound, dollar or euro? You can find special characters here. 
Tekstopmaak_15.jpg Accessibility checker
Check your message based on the contrast of your text to see if your message is easily readable for visually impaired receivers.  You can find a technical description here.
Tekstopmaak_17.jpg Left to right & Right to left
Select this option when writing in a language that is written from right to left instead of left to right. 
Tekstopmaak_19.jpg Align left, centre, right, justify
You probably recognise these options from other text editors. Align a text left, right or centre. 
Tekstopmaak_21.jpg Decrease indent & Increase indent
Decrease or increase indent in text. 

Useful links