When you add an image to the canvas, the following options will appear on the left:
Image content
- Image: select an image from the Images module, upload an image, use an external image or select an image from the sample library.
- Alt text: add alt text to your image. This way, the reader can still see which message the image is portraying if the image doesn't load. Screen readers will also be able to read the alt text.
- Title (tooltip): this is the text shown when moving the cursor over the image.
- URL: add a link to your website, to a landing page or to a document. There are many different links to choose from. Read more under the heading: link type.
- Opens in...: set up whether the URL should open in a new window, in the same window, top window or top frame.
Image style
- Background color: if the image doesn't load, a background color will be shown. It is white by default, but you can select any color you want.
- Padding: spacing around your image. You can add spacing at the top, bottom, left or right side of your image. Padding is set to 10 by default on all sides.
Corner radius: would you like the corners of your image to be rounded? Then adjust the corner radius. The higher the number, the more rounded the corner(s). You can round each corner individually if desired.
Example of image without corner radiuses
Example of image with corner radiuses of 30
- Border style: give your image a border. You can choose between none, solid, dotted and dashed.
- Alignment: the image is aligned in the center by default, but you can align it to the left or right as well.
- Auto width: auto width is switched on by default. When you move the slide switch to the left, you can adjust the width to your choosing based on a percentage or pixels. The default setting is 100 percent. This percentage applies to the element based on the width of the row or column in which the element is placed.
- Are you experienced with code? It is possible to add CSS classes yourself.