Want to edit or delete a tag? You can see all your tags in one overview in the settings. Go to your account Settings and click Tags on the left.
You will see the following screen:
In this screen you can see: all tags in your Spotler account and in which the tags are included. Think of; automations, forms, surveys, messages, web pages and dynamic lists. And how many contacts have the tag.
From this screen you can:
- View tags
- Rename tags
- Delete tags
- Add a new tag
View tag
Do you want to see which contacts have been assigned your tag? Use your right mouse menu or hover your mouse over the tag and click View in the drop-down menu.
A pop-up with contacts opens.
Rename tags
Want to rename a tag? Right-click or move your mouse over the tag and click Rename in the drop-down menu.
Made a mistake? You typed a tag and pressed enter a little too quickly? Or are tags no longer relevant? You can remove tags in the overview. Use your right mouse menu or hover your mouse over the tag and click Delete in the drop-down menu.
Only tags not included in a message, web page, form, survey, dynamic list on automation can be removed. If you want to remove such a tag, make sure that they are no longer included in one of the previous elements.
Add a new tag
You can easily add a tag with the blue New tag button.
Click on the button and a pop-up will open to add your tag. Enter a name in the input field and click Ok.