How do I add a dynamic date field to my email or webpage?

If you want to include a date in your email or webpage, it is a good idea to use a dynamic date field. That way, an up-to-date date is displayed in the mailing.

A dynamic date field offers various options for displaying a date format in your email messages and webpages. Examples of dynamic date fields and formats:

Datefield Date format
 Current year [date:nl|yyyy|now]
 april 2007 [date:nl|MMMM yyyy|now]
 July 23, 2012 [date:en|MMMM d, yyyy|now]
 2-4-2007  [date:nl|d M yyyy|now]
 Monday, 2 April 2007 [date:en|EEEE, d MMMM yyyy|now]
 Week number [date:nl|w|now]

Depending on how you want to display the date, you will have to cut and paste the desired format in your message or webpage, or you can have it included in your template by default.

Explanation of dynamic date fields

A dynamic date field consists of the following components:


Stands for the language of the dynamic date field (Wednesday, Mittwoch etc.)

Dutch = nl
English = en
German = de
French = fr


Enter the desired date format here. A few examples are:

  • April 2007
  • Monday, 2 April 2007
  • 2-4-2007


There are two options for what can be entered with <when>, namely: 'now', or a date offset. In both cases, the date is calculated at the time that the mailing is sent, which is of course important for scheduled mailings and campaign emails.

With the 'now' option, it takes the exact date at the time of sending. With a date offset, a calculation can be made on the date of sending. It is possible to add days, months or years to the date. This way, a future date can be displayed, for example in a month from now, or the day after tomorrow.

Examples of date offsets:
d_+2 = the day after tomorrow
m_+1 = next month
y_-10 = ten years ago

It is also possible to display the last or the second to last day of the month relative to the date of sending.

For example:
d_last = last day of the month
d_last-1 = one day after the last day of the month