How are the email marketing results reflected in Google Analytics?

Suppose you neatly provide all links with the correct utm codes using the Google url-builder, how is that reflected in Google Analytics?

At campaign level it looks like this:


This also includes any other campaigns, such as remarketing campaigns that run via Google AdWords, social media campaigns via Twitter and LinkedIn, but also advertorials on all sorts of external websites.

This immediately shows the power of Analytics for all those channels: 1 overview of all sources and campaigns, and the results that emerge. By setting targets, it is possible to determine if the results match the targets.

If we look a step further for email marketing, we see the following:


In the left-hand column, source and medium are combined, showing the different email expressions. The right-hand column shows the landing page. In addition to regular email marketing communications, such as newsletters, there is 1 special source in the overview. In seventh place is "emailsign-www", this refers to the email signature of employees. Because this is also email marketing, and that must also be measured!