Just like with a regular newsletter, your starting point will be the module Messages. Composing a dynamic newsletter is done the same way as composing a regular newsletter. In the upcoming instructions we will only go over the parts of the process which differ when you are creating a dynamic newsletter. A complete description of the module Messages can be found in the description of the module Messages.
Linking content to dynamic lists
In the messages editor, you're able to make sections and rows dynamic. When using dynamic content, you determine for each section and/or row whether it is always visible by default or optional for certain target groups. You do this as follows:
- Select the row or section you want to be dynamic, then click Settings in the menu on the left.
- At Conditions, click on Custom.
- A pop-up window opens with all your dynamic lists. Select the wished list(s) by clicking on the left arrow button to move them to the right field, and click on Ok to continue.
Now you see an icon in the top left of the row, indicating this only shows to certain target groups:
On the left side in the row settings, you see the name of the dynamic list chosen as target group.
Previewing the dynamic newsletter
Are you curious to find out how your dynamic newsletter will be displayed for a specific dynamic list? A preview of your newsletter is accessible by clicking the Preview icon (the eye).
Below the Show trackable links element, you will see a dropdown menu where you can select a dynamic list. By selecting this option, you will see which elements will or will not be displayed for that specific dynamic list.
Complete the newsletter as you usually would.