An extensive report is available for every mailing that is sent. Open the report by clicking the drop-down menu behind a mailing in the Overview screen. Next, click on Report.
A new screen will show up:
The report consists of three parts:
- In the header you see overall actions, such as exporting your reports.
- On the left you see general information, such as a preview of your message.
- On the right you see the details of your reports, consisting of several tabs.
In the header, you will see four options:
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Share: When you click on this icon, a pop-up appears where you enter the email addresses of the person with whom you want to share the report. The recipient can then view the report, but cannot export data. | |
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Export charts: It is possible to export one or more charts. Click on the icon to select the graph(s) you want to export. If you select one graph, you immediately download the image. A zip file is downloaded for multiple graphs. Click on the following icon in the pop-up to download the selected graphs. |
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Export: When you click on this icon, a report will be downloaded in .CSV format. You will see e-mail addresses and whether it has been opened or clicked. You also see the date and time of the open / click. | |
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Refresh: Do you want to refresh the report? Then you use this icon. |
General information
On the left side of the report you see the following general information:
- Preview of the message
- Selection of the mailing list
- Date and time of sending
- Archive link (you can use this for an online archive of your newsletters)
- Conclusions
Report details
The detailed information about the performance of your mailing is divided into tabs
Move your cursor across the sections, for instance Hard bounces in the Delivery tab. A drop-down menu will appear. Here, you will find no more than two options: Create temporary list and Export report.
You will also find these drop-down menus in the information next to the pie charts.
1. Impact
On the Impact tab, you will see the effectiveness of the mailing (impact on your users), the impact on third parties and the impact on your contacts in the mailing list.
This tab is displayed in four sections:
1.1. Effectiveness
In the Effectiveness of the mailing section, you will see a bar chart. This is a funnel.
The first bar is Emails sent, the second is Accepted emails, the third Unique opens and the last one is Unique click-throughs. The effectiveness of the mailing is calculated by the number of emails sent in relation to the unique click-throughs.
1.2. Impact on your (target group) database
Which percentage of your target group is retained after your mailing? You will see the percentage of contacts you have retained after the mailing.
On the right side, you can see the reasons you've lost a contact. A hard bounce is a non-existent email address and a soft bounce is an email address which temporarily cannot receive emails. Export your hard bounces so that you can follow up to update email addresses. You can export hard bounces by clicking Export in the drop-down menu.
1.3. Unsubscription by category
Which percentage of your target group is retained after your mailing?
You will see the percentage of contacts you have retained after the mailing. On the right side, you can see the reasons you've lost a contact. A hard bounce is a non-existent email address and a soft bounce is an email address which temporarily cannot receive emails. Export your hard bounces so that you can follow up to update email addresses. You can export hard bounces by clicking Export in the drop-down menu.
1.4. Social share clicks
See how often content from your newsletter is shared on social media.
2. Delivery
To how many contacts was the email delivered properly and to how many not? You can find these details in the tab Delivery.
This tab is displayed in three sections:
1.1 Acceptance rate (AR)
The acceptance rate (AR) is the number of accepted mailings in relation to the number of mailings sent. Accepted means that the receiving server has accepted the mailing. If the receiving server does not accept the mailing, this is reported as a bounce.
You can use the drop-down menu to export the bounces.
2. 2 Bounce rate (BR)
The bounce rate is the percentage of undelivered mails in relation to the number of mails sent. The total rate includes both hard bounces and soft bounces. In the overview, on the right, you will see a distinction between hard bounces (permanent reason) and soft bounces (temporary reason).
A hard bounce is a non-existent email address and a soft bounce is an email address which temporarily cannot receive emails. The reason for this could be a full inbox or a malfunction. Soft bounces are variable in your reports. Spotler will try to deliver the mail a number of times within 24 hours.
2.3 Top 15 email bounces by domain
See which domain gives you the most bounces. This could indicate an issue with the receiver, contacts that no longer work for a company, or that a domain name was misspelled. You can use this information to contact the party concerned for an up-to-date email address.
3. Opens
This tab shows you details about the open rate. How many contacts have opened your mailing? When? And with which email client?
This tab is displayed in three sections:
- Open rate (Open rate confirmed and Open rate rendered)
- Opens of the past 48 hours and of the past week
- Top 10 opens by email client
3.1 Open rate confirmed (ORC) and Open rate rendered (ORR)
Measuring whether someone has opened the mailing is done through a tracking pixel. The results are shown under Open ratio confirmed and Open ratio rendered.
Open ratio confirmed (ORC)
The open ratio confirmed (ORC) of a mailing is the percentage of unique contacts that have opened the mail in relation to the number of accepted emails. An open is recorded when someone downloads the images and/or clicks.
Open ratio rendered (ORR)
The open ratio rendered (ORR) of a mailing is the percentage of unique contacts that have opened the mail by actually loading the images. This is compared to the number of unique contacts who have successfully received the mail.
You can use the drop-down menu to create a static list of the contacts that have not opened the mail. This allows you to easily follow up, for instance through an email reminder.
3.2 Opens of the past 48 hours and of the past week
The more you send out mailings, the better you will start to have an idea of what the best time is to send them to your target group. You can view the opens of the past 48 hours and those of the past week.
Do you see a surge on Tuesday? Perhaps that is the best day to send the mailing in the future. Incidentally, it is common to see a surge on the day of sending, because contacts may receive a notification of a new mail. To get a good picture, you should test your moment of sending on multiple days and at various times.
3.3 Top 10 opens by email client
Here, you see an overview of opens by email client.
If you see that many contacts open your mailing on their smartphone, make sure it looks good in mobile view. Does everything scale down properly? Always look at a preview of your message in the Messages module.
4. Clicks
This tab shows you how many clicks there were in your mailing and which contacts clicked.
This tab is displayed in three sections:
4.1 Click-to-open rate (CTO) and Click-through rate (CTR)
If you have included links with tracking in your mailing, you will see them here. There are two types of measurements for the clicks. You will see a Click-to-open rate and a Click-through rate.
Click-to-open rate
The click-to-open rate (CTO) is the percentage of unique contacts that have clicked in the mail in relation to the number of unique contacts that have opened the mail (confirmed open).
Click-through rate
The click-through rate (CTR) of mailings is the percentage of unique contacts that have clicked in the mail in relation to the number of unique contacts that have successfully received the mailing.
4.2 Link and URL
As we explained before, links are measured through tracking. When you create such a link, you have to give it a name. You can find the name here.
Give your link a unique name, so that you can tell them apart in the reports. For each URL, you can see how many contacts opened the URL. The same URL can be used for different elements, such as a button and an image. In the overview of the URL you can see how many contacts have clicked on the URL. You can also see which contacts clicked a specific link by clicking Export in the drop-down menu.
4.3 Visual display of clicks
If you are a visual person, there is also an option for seeing the clicks in your mailing in a visual representation.
You can view this representation in full-screen by clicking on this icon:
5. Conversion clicks
This tab is similar to the Clicks tab, only here the links are measured that are included as a conversion link in your mailing. This option is selected by default when you create a link. The links for Unsubscribe and Update profile in your template are not included as conversion links. These links don't generate traffic/conversion.
6. Conversions (only with product eCommerce)
You will see this tab in your reports if you have the product eCom (product for web shops).
This tab is displayed in three sections:
6.1 Direct conversion rate
A pie chart shows you how many unique contacts clicked through from your mailing and continued to place an order. It also shows how many unique contacts did not create conversion. These contacts did click in the mailing but did not place an order.
By right-clicking or using the drop-down menu, it is possible to export the contacts, create a static list of the contacts or to view the contacts.
6.2 Orders as a result of your mailing
This table shows you the contact name, order value and date/time. It is also possible to sort the columns in this table alphabetically or in ascending and descending order.
6.3 Orders 48 hours
In this graph you can see at which time most orders are placed. You can also view this data for the entire first week.
7. A/B test
You will see this tab in your reports if you performed an A/B test.
This tab is displayed in six sections:
- Winner based on click-through rate (CTR)
- Open rate during test period
- Click-through rate during test period
- Click-through rate conversion links during test period
- A/B test results during test period
- Unique clicks per link
7.1 Winner based on click-through rate
This bar chart shows which version won based on click-through rate.
7.2 Open rate during test period
This graph shows you the difference in open rate between variant A and variant B and the course of the opens in terms of time. You can also view this data for the entire first week.
7.3 Click-through rate during test period
This graph shows you the difference in click-through rate between variant A and variant B and the course of the click-throughs in terms of time. You can also view this data for the entire first week.
7.4 Click-through rate conversion links during test period
This graph shows you the difference in click-through rates of conversion links between variant A and variant B and the course of the click-throughs based on conversions in terms of time. You can also view this data for the entire first week.
7.5 A/B test results during test period
Here you see all results in a comparison with the A variant and B variant.
The green markings show you quickly which variant was the strongest within a component.
7.6 Unique click per link
This table shows the unique number of clicks per link of variant A and B. The table shows all links assigned to an A/B variant and all links that have been clicked at least once.