How to display columns side by side for mobile devices?

With the messages editor, it is possible to display multiple columns side by side for mobile devices. With concise content, this results in a cleaner mailing.

Preview mobiel EN.png

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. You build your message in the regular (desktop) view and work out the columns as how you want them to be visible for the recipient. In this example, you see two images, headers, copy of the same length and call-to-actions.

    2 kolommen desktop EN.png

  2. Once you've finished formatting your content, switch to mobile view. You do so by clicking on the mobile icon at the top right corner of the editor.

    switchen naar mobiel.png

  3. Select the row and adjust padding and column spacing as desired. In this example, they are both set to 10. Below that you see a slider for Stack columns. Turn this option off to display the columns side by side.

    slider kolommen stapelen EN.png

  4. The columns are now displayed side by side. You can still make adjustments to the text size of your copy and call-to-actions, until everything is to your liking.