Anti-bot security

Online forms are the best way to get in touch with an organization. Spam is one of the annoyances when using these forms on your website. Suppose your form is filled in by a spam bot. This often leads to fake contacts in your file, unnecessary emails and damage to your sending reputation. What are the consequences of a spam bot?

  • The e-mails affect your statistics because your contacts do not exist or do not speak your language;
  • Your database becomes polluted with unnecessary contacts;
  • Receiving servers don't trust your mail;
  • Recipients classify you as spam.

Spotler understands that this is not desirable. That is why Spotler protects all web forms and surveys with anti-bot security as standard. This happens automatically and you do not have to set anything for it.



How does anti-bot security work in Spotler?

Spoter has secured them to prevent forms from being automatically filled in by spam bots. A number of checks have been added to Spotler forms. These checks are not visible on the formatted Spotler form, so a respondent does not see them. Very nice because it keeps your form short and the respondent does not have to answer extra questions unnecessarily.

It is important for your website builder that Spotler forms should not be cached. This means that data is temporarily not stored. Otherwise, the forms will no longer work and you will not receive any registrations. The double completed and sent form is then ignored by Spotler. This means that any automatic emails linked to the form will not be sent. The Spotler database is also not supplemented with the unwanted contact details from the form.

Omar_bord_serieus.png Anti-bot security for dynamic forms only
Anti-bot security only works for dynamic forms. Do you have static forms? Then replace it with dynamic forms. Need help exporting forms from Spotler? Read all about integrating forms.



Spotler periodically checks the influx of (new) data. With this check we quickly find out whether spam contacts end up in the database. This data is screened on a number of criteria:

  • Notable extensions to email addresses that fall outside the target group, such as .ru.
  • Striking growth of data files, without any reason such as a marketing campaign.
  • Striking URLs instead of normal values ​​in the database fields of a contact such as first name or company name.